Kamilah Gill opened a solo show of her work at Dewclaw.
We're excited to have her as our first guest artist in the space. "Hashtag Life"
is a collection of her paintings, where she uses an online search
process to find and build her imagery.
Here are more installation shots of the show.
been trying to organize the information that I've been gathering for
years. I keep many pages of notes about all kinds of things that I
select at random. My art is a byproduct of this massive attempt to
organize my thoughts. The internet is a central source for my collection
of images and information. I use the related search suggestions from
search engines and random image selectors to choose subjects for my
paintings. I search Twitter for phrases and images from
around the world. I try to save little fragments from the endless flow
of words and pictures and put them on display for further contemplation."
-Kamilah Gill 2012
Here are more installation shots of the show.
And here is her wonderful drawing from the opening.